Anti-cellulite and honey body massage


Ugly bumps on the skin, popularly referred to as “orange peel”, appear in the most attractive places on the female body – on the hips, abdomen, legs, and even sometimes on the hands.

For honey massage from cellulite, you need to use only natural liquid, non-candied honey without any additives. Honey is supplemented with various aromatic oils. Five drops of any oil or mixture thereof are added to one teaspoon of honey. Mixing oils with honey is recommended immediately before use.



Honey massage is characterized by another important merit – honey is able to produce “its” metabolism. On the one hand, it perfectly nourishes the skin with useful substances, and on the other hand, like a sponge, it draws out all the dirt and toxins.
As a result of this massage:
skin metabolism returns to normal;
lymph flow is stimulated;
subcutaneous tubercles and dimples resolve;
the skin is cleansed and at the same time receives maximum nourishment.